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Hiring a House Cleaning Service Can Make You Happier and More Productive

Hiring a House Cleaning Service Can Make You Happier and More Productive

March 6, 2022
  • EuroMaids
  • Blog

A recent study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that women spent 2 hours and 15 minutes daily on household activities. At the same time, men averaged 1 hour and 25 minutes.  Add the two together and multiply by seven, and it’s no wonder that having a house cleaning service tops the wish-list of many people.

People take advantage of carpet cleaning services on an as-needed basis, but less so regularly scheduled house cleaning. Reasons could be budgetary or personal. Some people won’t give themselves permission to turn over the job of cleaning to others. They believe it’s an extravagance or they have a duty to do their own cleanup work.

The people who use a house cleaning service on a regular basis do so to free up their time for activities or have more time to devote to generating an income, or both. According to the BLS, combined, married couples spend nearly four hours a day on food preparation and keeping up their homes and yards. Shifting some of the burden for house and carpet cleaning to professionals frees up that time for their own discretionary use.

Housework and Rewards

Some people genuinely enjoy regular house cleaning. They like the immediate gratification from taking a room from messy to neat or dirty to clean. Others enjoy the physical movement and the chance to exercise their organizational impulses.

On the other hand, if you’d rather be outdoors exercising and exploring or anywhere else but behind the vacuum cleaner, using a house cleaning service can be the most liberating thing you can do with your resources. It’s not uncommon for adults to treat themselves to something, whether it’s a Saturday night out or a splurge at home.

Some people even treat it as a necessity, especially entrepreneurs. They realize that their time is money and by investing in house and carpet cleaning services. Entrepreneurs are able to devote themselves to more rewarding endeavors. They may even earn more than enough to pay for all the cleaning services they need.

Housework and Stress

Putting someone else in charge of cleaning may be the fastest and most effective path to a stress-free home. No one will be held back by having to clean the mirrors when there’s something more pressing to do. Instead of spending an hour or two after work cleaning, you’ll be free to spend time with your family, catch up on your reading, enjoy a hobby, or just relax.

Housework and Expertise

Many people overlook skill and expertise that goes into managing a home and keeping it clean. Many of the deep cleaning solutions used to remove the dust, dirt and grime leave volatile organic compounds (VOCs) behind. These chemicals cause varying levels of reactions from minor to serious.

Cleaning Pet Oddors

Pets and kids are especially vulnerable to VOCs since they spend so much time on the floors. They’re more prone hand or paw to mouth than adults are, giving them even more exposure to the VOCs.

Some surfaces require unique cleaning methods and products. Not having to learn what they are and how to do it makes your life easier. Relying on a green house cleaning service like Euro Maids in Naperville is one less responsibility for you as you go through hectic and busy days. Carpet cleaning professionals who use safe products and methods keep your home healthier and prolong the life of your floors.

Not having to deal with flooring replacements or feel the effects of indoor pollutants is another burden off your shoulders. VOCs are especially troublesome because they can cause long term nervous system damage and even cancer. It even saves time shopping since you don’t have to scour the cleaning aisle for environmentally safe cleaning products. Your green house cleaning service will do it for you.

Housework and Productivity

Another survey conducted by the BLS found that 46% of employees who had advanced degrees performed some or all of their work at home. If you’re one of those who is distracted by working in an environment that needs cleaning, you’ll probably be more productive if you use a house cleaning service.

Bottom Line

Having a house cleaning service gives you priceless time to spend with your family and your own pursuits. EuroMaids will provide you a clean house and valuable time to rest and relax. Just contact us!

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